CS 1997 "Region Klettgau 1: Sustainable soil use"
The ETH-NSSI Case Study ’97 worked closely together with the EU Interreg II Program «Development Concept for the Klettgau Duct». Common strategies were elaborated to supervise industry and trade, as well as to reduce agricultural emissions. Special attention was given to the nitrate content of the ground water.
Synthesis groups and their working fields:
- Protection of nature and landscape (history; projects; social, economical, political, and legal influence factors)
- Agriculture/viniculture and forestry (forest, cultivation techniques, market structures, fac-tory structures)
- Residential and leisure considerations (Fast living, modelling, condensed village struc-tures, etc.)
- Water (risk assessment, accidents, certification models to control nitrate emissions, flood control measures).
- Non-renewable resources (gravel)
- Case: 153 km2 area, Border-Region Switzerland-Germany, 28,500 inhabitants
- Co-operation:
Ministry of environment and transport Baden-Württemberg (D), Canton Schaffhausen (CH), EU Interreg II Program «Klettgaurinne», Water administration Oberrhein/Hochrhein South - Duration: Preparation from January 1995 to March 1997, Student's work from April to July 1997, Book Production from August 1997 to February 1998
- Headship: Prof. Dr Roland W. Scholz (ETH)
- Administration: Dr Harald A. Mieg (ETH), Dr Jürg Stünzi (ETH), Sandro Bösch (ETH), Priska Limacher (ETH)
- Tutors: Hans-Georg Bächthold (External), Prof. Dr Peter Bolliger (ITR Rapperswil), Daniel Brandt (External), Lucio Carlucci (External), Dr Peter Frischnknecht (ETH), Sylvia Harms (External), Andreas Hofer (External), Markus Jenny (External), Alois Keusch (ETH), Bertrand Lisbach (ETH), Dr Harald A. Mieg (ETH), Dr Reto Meuli (ETH), Adrian Nufer (ETH), Dr Jiri Presler (External), Johanna Reutemann (External), Marc Schärli (ETH), Tania Schellenberg (External), Jörg Schmill (External), Christian Schmid (External), Hansjörg Schmid (ETH), Ruedi Schwarzenbach (ETH), Dr Jürg Stünzi (ETH), Dr Olaf Tietje (ETH), Dr Olaf Weber (ETH), Andrea Witt (ETH)
- Students: 91 ETH Students
Case Study Book
- Scholz, R. W., Bösch, S., Mieg, H. A. & Stünzi, J. (Eds.) (1998). Region Klettgau – Verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit Boden. ETH-UNS Fallstudie 1997. Rüegger Verlag, Zürich. ISBN 3 7253 0593 5. Download Download (PDF, 34.1 MB)
Research Papers
- Mieg, H. A. (2000). University-based projects for sustainable development: designing expert roles and collective reasoning. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 1 (1), 67–82
- Scholz, R. W., Mieg, H. A. & Oswald, J. E. (2000). Transdisciplinarity in groundwater management: Towards mutual learning of science and society. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 123, 477–487
- Scholz, R. W., Mieg, H. A., & Weber, O. (1996). Die UNS-Fallstudie als neues Paradigma anwendungsorientierter Lehre und Forschung. [The UNS Case Study as a new paradigm for practice-oriented higher education and research]. Informationen zur Umweltpsychologie, 2 (2), 13–17