CS 2006 "Decision processes Wellenberg – Radioactive Waste in Switzerland"

Wellenberg bei Wolfenschiessen NW

In numerous countries of the world, site selection for long-term disposal of radioactive waste is unresolved and fiercely disputed. In Switzerland, the long and multifaceted history is shaped by a specific democratic culture. Between 1986 and 2002, a planned deep geological repository for low-level and intermediate-level radioactive waste in the Swiss canton of Nidwalden – more precisely at the Wellenberg in the village Wolfenschiessen – caused strong opposition from the local population. In the end, the electorate rejected the project twice, first in 1995 and finally in 2002.

This topic is illuminated from three different perspectives. How did the media report about the planned project? We analysed more than 600 articles from regional newspapers between 1989 und 2002. How does a directly affected and concerned population see retrospectively the project? We did a postal survey in the canton of Nidwalden with more than 500 respondents. How do different interest and expert groups assess decision processes for site selection? We elicited detailed information in single person sesssion of more than one hour each (41 persons in total; 23 involved and 18 not involved in the “Wellenberg” process; 18 pro and 23 contra nuclear energy). Overall, 25 students and 12 lecturers from ETH Zurich plus more than 80 persons from outside academia participated in the study.

We illustrate that site selection in Switzerland is probably possible but requires a broad involvement of the public and various stakeholders. Readers will find insights, how discussions around potential sites for the disposal of radioactive waste can evolve. Further, we present clues how future procedures can be designed – both for site selection as well as for other contentious infrastructure projects. Hence, the study is directed towards people interested in complex decision processes.


  • Headship: Prof. Dr Roland W. Scholz (ETH), Dr Arnim Wiek (ETH)
  • Administration: Sandro Bösch (ETH)
  • Experts: Dr Thomas Flüeler (ETH), Dr Michael Stauffacher (ETH)
  • Tutors: Bastien Girod (ETH), Pius Krütli (ETH), Timo Smieszek (ETH)
  • Accompanying working group: Marianne Achermann (Bildungsdirektion NW), Michèle Blöchliger (SVP NW), Alfred Breitschmid (MNA, Fachhochschule für Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit Bern), Verena Bürgi (Landrätin CVP), Werner Flury (ehem. Redaktor NNZ), Pius Frey (Arbeitsgruppe kritisches Wolfenschiessen, MNA), Josef Frunz (Pro Komittee Wellenberg), Viktor Furrer (Alt-RR CVP), Dominik Galliker (ehem. kantonale Arbeitsgruppe Wellenberg), Hans Hess (Ständerat FDP OW), Fabian Hodel (DN, http://www.onlinequer.ch/), Ronald Joho (http://www.akomag.ch), Ferdinand Keiser (Alt-RR CVP), Margrit Kopp (ehem. Gemeindeammann FDP), Paul Matter, (Landrat CVP,), Renate Metzger-Breitenfellner (Journalistin; ehemals NLZ), Hans-Rudolf Schild, Helene Spieß (Gemeindepräsidentin Buochs), Hugo Waser, (Alt RR NW), Reto Zobrist (Alt-Kantonsingenieur, ehem. Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe Wellenberg), Daniel Zwyssig (SVP)
  • Students: 25 ETH students


Case Study Book

  • Scholz, R. W., Stauffacher, M., Bösch, S., Krütli, P., & Wiek, A. (Eds.). (2007). Entscheidungsprozesse Wellenberg – Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle in der Schweiz. ETH-UNS Fallstudie 2006. Zürich, Chur: Verlag Rüegger. ISBN 978-3-7253-0867-5. Download Download (PDF, 8.8 MB)

TdLab Project Book

  • Stauffacher, M., Krütli, P., & Scholz, R. W. (Eds.). (2008). Gesellschaft und radioaktive Abfälle – Ergebnisse einer schweizweiten Befragung. ETH-UNS TdLab Projekt. Zürich, Chur: Verlag Rüegger. ISBN 978-3-7253-0923-8. Download Download (PDF, 2.9 MB)

Research Papers

  • Krütli, P., Flüeler, T., Stauffacher, M., Wiek, A. & Scholz, R.W. (2010) Technical safety vs. public involvement? A case study on the unrealised project for the disposal of nuclear waste at Wellenberg (Switzerland). Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences. 7(3): 229-244. DOI: 10.1080/1943815X.2010.506879
  • Krütli, P., Stauffacher, M., Flüeler, T. & Scholz, R.W. (2010). Functional-dynamic public participation in technological decision making: Site selection processes of nuclear waste repositories. Journal of Risk Research. 13(7): 861-875 DOI: 10.1080/13669871003703252
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