Tackling Environmental Problems

The KITE Award 2020 went to the team around Christian Pohl for the course "Environmental Problem Solving". The KITE Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the development of innovative teaching and teaching concepts at ETH Zurich. Read more
Detailed information (in German) on this course can be found at https://upltdlab.ethz.ch.
In the first year of the BSc environmental sciences we teach students our approach to tackle environmental problems, choosing a new topic every year (e.g. gravel mining, management of rivers). In the first semester, students learn how to analyse a particular aspect of the topic and to write a scientific report. In the synthesis week students bring together the knowledge on the different aspects, develop an overall picture, identify specific challenges and brainstorm first ideas of measures to address the challenges. In the second semester, students elaborate the measures up to a stage, where they can be put into practice, which is the task of the (eligible) third semester.