Dr. Irina Dallo

Dr.  Irina Dallo

Dr. Irina Dallo

Staff of Swiss Seismological Service (SED)

ETH Zürich

Schweiz. Erdbebendienst (SED)

NO FO 61.1

Sonneggstrasse 5

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Additional information

I am an environmental scientist by training and finished my doctorate at the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) and the Transdisciplinarity Lab (TdLab) at ETH Zurich in February 2022. My doctorate focused on how to best communicate earthquake information in a multi-hazard context to improve society’s resilience and was part of the European Horizon-2020 project RISEcall_made. Currently, I am doing my postdoc at the SED – still associated to the TdLab – and working on the two European Horizon-2020 projects RISEcall_made and COREcall_made and the national funded project DemoUpCARMA. In particular, I analyze how to best design communications for natural and human-made hazards together with stakeholders of society including the public and how to fight misinformation especially on social media. To this end, the intersection between science and society is key to ensure that my research efforts have scientific as well as societal impact.

Specific research interests: theory and practice of transdisciplinary research, real-world problem solving, exploring the communication of (real-time) hazard and risk information to different target audiences, and design thinking

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