Juanita von Rothkirch u. Panthen Gómez

Juanita von Rothkirch u. Panthen Gómez

Juanita von Rothkirch u. Panthen Gómez

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-USYS

ETH Zürich


CHN K 76.1

Universitätstrasse 16

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Juanita is interested in understanding how decision makers’ discourse and values influence the selection of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) approaches. Her objective is to generate reflection on the contribution of CDR methods to long-term sustainability outcomes. Her research is funded by the ETH Zürich research grant and supervised by Prof. Dr. Michael Stauffacher.

Juanita has been a doctoral student at the USYS TdLab since November 2021. Juanita holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, and a master’s degree in environmental sciences with a Major in “Environmental Systems and Policy” from the ETH Zurich. In her master’s Juanita focused on the topics of climate and ecosystem governance, as well as the interplay between science, society and ethics in decision making. After that, she worked in collaborative approaches around circular economy and improved natural resources management at United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

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